Federal Task Force Created to Combat Sales Of Illegal E-Cigarettes
A new federal task force involving multiple agencies aims to curb the illegal distribution and sale of e-cigarettes amid concerns about youth nicotine addiction. Federal …
Because Life Is Not Lived On A Straight Line
What is Vaping?
Vaping is the act of inhaling vaporized flavored liquid. The liquid, or e-juice, is a combination of water, nicotine and flavorings. There are many different flavors of e-juice available for vapers to enjoy. If you want to get into vaping, you can either make your own e-juice or purchase it from a store.
How is Vaping thought of in the United States?
There has been some controversy surrounding vaping due to its relationship with traditional cigarettes. Many people believe that vaping is just as harmful as smoking regular cigarettes and should be banned from public places such as restaurants and bars just like traditional cigarettes are banned in those places today. On the other hand, some people believe that vaping is less harmful than smoking cigarettes and could help smokers quit smoking altogether if they were allowed to vape indoors where they would not be tempted by traditional tobacco products like cigarettes or cigars which are not allowed inside most public buildings nowadays because they contain nicotine which is addictive substance that can lead to severe health problems such as lung cancer if inhaled regularly over time (about 15 years).
How can a person get into Vaping?
You can get started on vaping by purchasing an e-cigarette starter kit online.
A new federal task force involving multiple agencies aims to curb the illegal distribution and sale of e-cigarettes amid concerns about youth nicotine addiction. Federal …
If you’ve ever seen someone puffing on a vape, you might be wondering: Is vaping really safer than smoking? Does it really help people quit …